18-bed facility supported by an expert team

Compton Care Inpatient Unit

Compton Care Inpatient Unit Pre-Admission information

Our Inpatient Unit is an 18bed facility supported by an expert team who are able to provide 24-hour care, helping to control symptoms, manage any pain and offer personal care and emotional support. 

Key Information

Admissions Process 

Our patients are referred for admission by a clinical nurse specialist, GP, hospital doctor or other practising practitioner. All referrals are reviewed daily by our admission team. When a bed is available, the team determine which patient to admit depending on the individual needs and problems of those requiring admission, as opposed to a ‘first come, first served’ basis. The patient, their nominated next of kin and the referring clinician are normally informed by telephone shortly before admission. Transport arrangements to Compton Care are confirmed during this telephone call.

Length of stay 

Our Inpatient Unit is an 18-bed facility supported by an expert team who are able to provide 24-hour care, helping to control symptoms, manage any pain and offer personal care and emotional support. We are a short-stay unit, and the majority of our patients stay with us for an average of two weeks, however this is dependant on the needs of individual patients.

All rooms are single occupancy en-suite, with most having a garden or patio view. We allocate our rooms based on clinical need and therefore are unable to facilitate preferences.

Personal Preferences 

On admission, please speak to us to discuss any dietary needs you may have, so that we can inform our catering team.

On admission we would gather information about the things you enjoy, such as hobbies, activities, television programmes and music.


On admission, our Catering and Nutrition Team will be able to cater around any dietary needs or preferences you may have.

Things to bring

Please bring with you any medication from home and community nursing paperwork you may have.

We would appreciate your cooperation in supplying your relatives with the items listed below. Soiled laundry will be left in your loved one’s locker for collection.

  • Day/ night clothes (pyjamas/nightdresses)
  • Dressing gown
  • Well-fitting slippers
  • Shavers – with adaptor
  • Razors – with shaving foam
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Fixadent/steradent for dentures
  • Incontinence products (pads)
  • Shampoo
  • Deodorant
  • Shower gel/soap
  • Body cream

Spiritual, Religious or Cultural needs 

If you follow a religion, we welcome you to practice your faith while you are at Compton Care. We are very aware that religious practice is personal and would appreciate a conversation about what is important to you, in relation to your faith. We are also able to easily access interpreting services. Please speak to our Patient Flow team regarding your needs prior to your admission and we will be happy to facilitate.


The Inpatient Unit is a no-smoking environment. A smoking area is available for patients in the garden. Relatives or friends will need to accompany patients who wish to smoke.

Visiting times

Our Inpatient Unit visiting hours are 8.30am to 8pm.
To visit outside of these hours please discuss with the nurse in charge on the Impatient Unit on 01902 774570

Zero tolerance

Please remember that Compton Care staff come to work to care for others. Any aggressive, violent, or threatening behaviour towards them will not be tolerated in any form.

Behaviour whilst staying or visiting Compton Care which could bring our name into disrepute, or which may cause offence and distress to others will not be tolerated and may lead to you being asked to leave the premises.

Discharge planning

Following a stay on our Inpatient Unit, you may be discharged to an alternative place of care. A discharge planning assessment may be planned by our flow team which provides an opportunity to discuss future care needs. You are welcome to have a relative, carer or friend present during this assessment if you wish.

Preventing Pressure Ulcers

Pressure Ulcers (also known as pressure sores or bedsores) are injuries to the skin and underlying tissue, primarily caused by prolonged pressure on the skin.

They can happen to anyone, but usually affect people confined to a bed or who sit in a chair or wheelchair for long periods of time.

Pressure ulcers can affect any part of the body that’s put under pressure. They’re most common on bony parts of the body such as the heels, elbows, hips, and base of the spine. They often develop gradually but can sometimes form in a few hours.

You can contribute to reducing your risk of pressure injuries by:

  • Regularly changing your position – if you’re unable to change position yourself one of the clinical team will assist.
  • Checking your skin every day for early signs and symptoms of pressure ulcers – this will be done by the clinical team caring for you during your stay.

We may utilise pressure relieving equipment during your stay such as mattresses. Please speak to the nursing team if you would like any further information.

Falls Prevention 

Some of our patients find that their mobility is a little worse and find that they are more unsteady. This places them at higher risk of falls. Not only can falls leave you feeling quite distressed, they can result in serious injury.

There are some things you can do to reduce your risk of a fall during your stay with us:

Ensure any walking aids you have been given are brought in with you and used

Ensure that you wear well-fitting footwear and slippers during your stay

When standing up, do so slowly and don’t stand if you feel dizzy. Take your time.

Call for help – you will have a nurse call bell in your room and the team can support you to walk safely


For further information please contact our Advice and Referrals line on 01902 774570

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Infection Prevention at Compton Care

Preventing infection at Compton Care is an important part of patient safety. Our patients are more vulnerable, and so we need to work hard to keep infection at bay.
Infections can include:

  • coronavirus
  • norovirus (vomiting bug)
  • MRSA
  • flu
  • gastroenterisis (diarrhoea and vomiting)
  • scabies and more.

Everyone visiting our site, whether staff, patients or visitors, plays a part in preventing infection.

We ask that you:

  • Clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water and then use the alcohol gel provided at entrances, before and after visiting.
  • If you are feeling unwell, have any respiratory symptoms, such as coughing, sneezing or sore throat or you have been sick or have diarrhoea please speak to a member of staff before visiting.
  • If you see any signs of spillages or dirt, let a staff member know.
  • Ask staff if you have any questions about preventing infection.
  • Wear a face wear mask if you are asked to.
  • If you would like our team to wear masks while delivering your care. Please let our nurses know.

A few walks from Compton Hall

Compton supporter, Helen has shared some beautiful walks local to Compton Hall


“I hope you find this information useful during your time at Compton.

Getting some fresh air and a change of scenery certainly helped our family.  Take care.”


Ranging from 1/4 mile to approximately two miles, the walks take in the beautiful scenery of the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal and the Smestow Valley Nature Reserve.

Click here to access or ask our Reception team for a hard copy.

How can we help?

I need support with my symptoms
I need emotional support relating to my diagnosis
I am a carer
I am bereaved
I am a family member/friend
I need emotional support relating to a family member / friend’s diagnosis
I am a young person with a loved one at Compton
I want to refer a family member / friend
A family member / friend is currently on the inpatient unit

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