Committed to making the information and resources accessible to all


Our accessibility commitment

At Compton Care, we’re committed to making the information and resources provided via our website accessible to the widest possible audience. To enable this, we follow widely accepted ‘best practise’ principles for design and usability. You can easily adjust the site in a number of ways to fit your needs.

Customise our website to suit your needs

In order to make the Compton Care website as easy as possible to read and navigate, you can change display settings including:

  • Text size
  • Colour and contrast
  • Screen magnification
  • Style sheets

The BBC’s website “My Web My Way” offers help on adjusting these and other features in your specific operating system and browser.

Standards Compliance

The website is built using XHTML and CSS, according to W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standards. It is designed to be in line with recognised best practice, such as the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

We have endeavoured to follow current Web Accessibility Initiative (W3C WAI) guidelines and look to ensure that Conformance Level “AA”: all Priority 2 checkpoints are satisfied.

WCAG 1.0 has 14 guidelines that are general principles of accessible design. Each guideline has one or more checkpoints that explain how the guideline applies in a specific area. Further information is available on how the guidelines are organised.


We will continue to make further improvements and enhancements to our accessibility features according to your feedback. Please let us know of any problems you may have encountered, or of any features that you have found particularly useful by emailing