Here for you, when you need us most

We provide high quality, accessible care and support for the people in our communities living with life limiting conditions

Specialist Care & Support for families living with life limiting conditions

24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, our Advice & Referral line is open. Call: 01902 774570


Clinical Services

For over 40 years, we have been providing specialist palliative and end of life care to patients, and support for their families, helping them to navigate every aspect of life with a life limiting condition.

Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a gift in your will

Through supporters like you leaving gifts in their wills, our patients and their families have access to specialist palliative and end of life care, and bereavement support, free of charge when they need it the most.

Run for Compton

Sign up for the Wolverhampton 10k!

We’re very excited to be the charity partner for the Wolverhampton 10k again in 2025!

Taking place on Sunday 23 March, thousands of runners of all abilities will take to the streets of Wolverhampton.

Support Us

Your support means we can be there for those who need it most

Are you able to join a Compton Care event, volunteer in one of our Compton Care shops or play our Lottery? Without your continued support, it wouldn’t be possible for us to provide our palliative care and bereavement support services, free of charge, to our patients and their loved ones.

What's On

Find out what is coming up at Compton Care

Patient & Family Stories

Share your experience

Here at Compton Care, we’re passionate about sharing your stories with the community. Sharing first-hand experiences help to show how the services we provide make a big difference at the hardest of times.

We are very privileged to be able to provide our expert care and support, tailored for each and every patient and their loved ones.

Thank you to everyone who has shared their inspiring and moving stories with us. If you would like to share your experience, please click the below button.

My family and I received so much support from Compton, even after my mom’s passing. For that, my family will be forever grateful.


Compton Care came into our lives at exactly the right time. We’ve always said they ‘rescued’ us. From the moment we walked in, dad, my sister, and I were ‘scooped up’ in their arms and given the care we could only have dreamed of.


As a family, we can’t speak highly enough of all the team at Compton Care, they truly are fantastic, and with your help and support they aim to make the bedrooms in the Inpatient Unit even more accessible and inviting for families just like ours to stay in so they…


On what is the most difficult journey a family can make, watching a loved one slowly ebb away, the team, the surrounding and the care provided to both patient and family is amazing.  In a sweet and sour dish, Compton provided the sweetness. As a family we will never forget…

The Latest from Compton

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Your support means we can be there for those who need it most