We received BBC Children in Need funding that enabled us to welcome a new Children and Young People’s Support Worker, Lusia

Over the last year Lusia, supported by a team of volunteers, has helped more than 100 children and young people, as well as their families. We’ve delivered 42 one-to-one sessions of emotional support with children and young people both in school and at Compton Hall.

We run monthly workshops designed to support emotional wellbeing, reduce feelings of isolation and encourage children and young people to build positive, supportive peer relationships. The workshops have included visits from the Animal Man, memory making activities and wellbeing sessions hosted by our Complementary Therapy team.

Our Children and Young People’s service is available for young members of our patients’ families who have a loved one being cared for by Compton or who have experienced a bereavement.

For more information contact our Advice and Referral line on 01902 774570.